Thursday, March 3, 2011


I can't believe we finally made it here! It's been a long journey just getting here. We are just about "settled in" to our 10x10 home away from home. It's cramped, but it's a good thing I love these three other people with me! It occurred to me on the plane here that we are officially HOMELESS. According to the average person, we have no physical home, neither in the US or Haiti. But the thought did not horrify me. Instead I felt immediate satisfaction in the fact that we are totally dependent on God. Of course, it is our goal to have a house built here, but would I be ok with being homeless and 100% trust God with everything? Truth is, I probably wouldn't last long in that state. I am spoiled to the conveniences of America and the American dream. If the earthquake that the people of Haiti endured over a year ago had happened in downtown Fort Worth, we would have already rebuilt, probably bigger and better than before. We would cash in on our insurance policies and move forward. The thing is, here in Haiti the people don't have that privilege. They are in no better state of living than they were a year ago. They still live in tents, still scrounge for food, still grieve over the loved ones they lost, still have no faith in the corrupt government that kicks them down, and the majority of the people are still under the oppression of Voo Doo. Immediately when my family stepped off that airplane we were kings in comparison to the people of Haiti, homeless or not. Praise God that even though I claim to be homeless, I have a Heavenly home that nothing will compare too and I hope that God will use my family to show as many people in Haiti that they have a Heavenly home too. And truly, I hope that every man, woman and child here will know God and live in my "Heavenly Neighborhood" with a mansion 10 times larger than mine!

Here are some things you can pray for:

That the kids will adjust emotionally, physically, spiritually.

That God will provide the right people to help us build the house and that it can be done in a timely and cost efficient way.

That Michael and I will see the needs of the orphanage and respond to those needs in the way God wants us to.

That we will find a vehicle for our family so we can pick up teams from the airport and get around so we will feel more independent and not have to depend on the orphanage staff to take us everywhere.

I am sure there are many more... just pray!

By the way, for all of you who prayed for Gage, he had a better day today. One good thing that happened was he discovered ketchup in Haiti! the boy loves his condiments!! Praise God for the little things!!

Pics of where we will be staying for a while.

Here are some sweet pics of the people who came to our going away party! We have the most awesome people in our lives!


  1. Thank you....for sharing your hearts and your lives. It will be a privilege to pray for you and your family.

  2. Hey Elijah it's me Logan and I'm praying for you guys!
