Sunday, March 27, 2011

Baptism By Fire!

Last time I blogged we were receiving our first team. Since then, in the short span of two weeks, we have had over 100 missionaries here. It has been CRAZY! Lots of good things being done, medical teams, VBS, the beginnings of a playground for the kids, dental work, virtual classroom, moving to a new clinic, and now a pastor's conference. It has been nutty trying to house everyone but I feel most for the ladies that cook!! And on top of all that, we have had NO water since Friday morning. You realize just how dependent you are on something when it's gone. Been a little stressful trying to get things done, find water to drink, and accommodate people so they can actually do what they came here to do. Really praying that the water is restored before tomorrow when 50 Haitian pastors show up for the conference!

Clinic at the Big Tree

Praying with people before seeing patients

Dental Clinic - Lots of teeth pulled!

Belvy was a stud! Never even flinched!

Sweet Gage and a baby chick

Needless to say, God is allowing great things here and providing all of our needs. Even when frustrations come, I am confident of our calling and it is very apparent just how needed Michael is here. He has worked tirelessly, and I truly have wondered just how things got done before he came? God is stretching us in many ways. Especially me! Anyone who knows me very well can attest to the fact that I am little spoiled. I mean, what American girl doesn't want a mani/pedi or a nice long bubble bath? But right about now I'd settled for clean clothes and something more than a baby wipe to bathe with!

I have often wished that I had a skill that would be useful here (doctor, dentist, nurse etc.). But God has shown me that I am skilled at being a mom. Every night I go into the orphanage and tuck in a few sweet kids who have fallen asleep on the concrete floor. And at any given time of day, one of the 78 orphans or many village kids hanging around is in tears over something, and I can be the one to comfort them. If all I ever accomplish here is being a surrogate mom to these kids who have never had a mother to just hold them, then that is enough.

Michael and I also want to thank everyone who is faithful to pray for our family. We are humbled by the provision God has given through many of you. If you have given money for our support, "Thank You". We would like to be able to thank you individually.


  1. Renea - you are needed just as much as Michael. You were part of what made my last trip so amazing. To have someone to talk to and vent to. You keep everyone going with your encouraging words. Your organization skills help make all the teams a success. Corey and I want to thank both you and Michael so much. We love you all!!

  2. What a gift you are to those sweet babies! Praying for y'all tonight.

  3. You are amazing Renee...... You are a gift to all those orphans that you serve daily.. Thanks for all you do...
