Sunday, May 15, 2011

Death and New Life


Someone very precious to our church here at GVCM went to be with the Lord this week.  They are grieving here for the loss of a 16 year old boy who died suddenly from Hepatitis.  Had he been treated sooner or had better health care this boy may not have died, but we rejoice in knowing that he is with Jesus and suffers no more from the afflictions of this country and our earthly vessels.  

One thing Michael and learned from this was that grief is the same in every culture. Painful.  Even though we are surrounded by children who are orphaned, there are many other families close to us here who truly love their children and provide for them however they can.  

New Life

Something so cool happened here this week. Through Starkey Hearing Foundation and World Wide Village we got to see all of our deaf children hear for the first time in their lives.  It was so humbling to watch and I am so thankful to have gotten to be a part of it.  Seeing their faces light up is something I will never forget.  

Here they are waiting their turn to be fitted.

Dianna, who has no ear canals was even able to be fitted with an external headband that enables her to hear.  We are hoping that our older children will be able to learn to speak as well, but they say that the younger children usually do better picking up speech.

Bill Rancik from Season 1 of The Apprentice was there to fit our kids with hearing aids. Of course they had no idea who he was!

Pastor Yves, Bill Rancik and Roventzley.
All of our deaf children became deaf from having a very high fever as a baby. Something that is so preventable with the right resources.

Jeffly is hearing and feeling his own voice.

Emma being fitted by the founder of Starkey

Yoline, New Life

We also celebrated our May Birthday's.  This is David.  We actually have no idea when his birthday is or even how old he is but we celebrated him anyway.  He was so overjoyed by the celebration, and we guess this may have been his first and only birthday party.

Hot Dogs and Soda

Rudjerry celebrated his 9th Birthday

Marie-Dieunel's life was also celebrated, we don't know her exact birthday either.

Happy Birthday to Baboo too!!

Lots of cake

Remember Mia?

Beautiful Shelby and Mia

This is Mia's Mother. We were also able to fit her with hearing aids.  As a result she has decided to give it another go at mothering baby Mia.  Mia and her mother went back to their hometown.  We will miss her, but if momma can care for her, then that is where she should be.  Please pray for Mia and her mother as they begin their new life.

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