Friday, April 15, 2011

What I've Learned in Haiti, Part 1

I have learned that:

12 people can fit in a car.

eggs do not need to be refrigerated.

clothes actually dry faster hung in the sun than in a dryer.

comfort is relative.

"right now" really means later today, or possibly tomorrow.

there is no such thing as immediate satisfaction.

I can live without a blow dryer.

nothing is sadder to me than seeing a child dig through trash, especially when it's mine.

mangos can make you break out like poison ivy.

I DO sweat, not just glow.

a Walmart could be really handy here.

healthcare should/can be free to all.

honking means "excuse me" and not #@&*^#@!

I do like other peoples kids, or maybe just the impoverished orphan ones.

I am spoiled (there, I said it)

clean water is a luxury.

I cannot carry chickens or anything else on my head.

I can go without a shower for 5 days, don't like it, but I can.

there is an exchange rate here for time as well as money. 8:1

God is Magnificent.

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