Thursday, February 3, 2011

Only 4 More Days!!!!

Only four more days until Michael and Elijah come home.  It's been the longest 5 weeks of my life!  Elijah got to fly over with a team on Monday and Michael was so happy to see him.  Turns out it was a good week for Elijah to be gone with all the snow days. No make up work at school!

Several things have happened since I last blogged. None of it, of course, adding to the progress on our house, but all good stuff.  Several teams have come and gone, served the people of Haiti and brought glory to God in the process.  The team that is there now is a group of good friends who have donated their time, money and resources to improving life at the orphanage.  They are now working on the electrical system.

Snowing here, but 90 degrees in Haiti!

I know that moving to a third world country will bring lots of new experiences, but I think the funniest thing I have heard was when Michael called to say he had been waiting for hours for Yves to meet him in PAP. When Yves finally arrived they had had a wreck on the way when the chicken truck in front of them lost a box of chickens and it hit the windshield of their car.  Luckily everyone was ok, except probably the chickens. Only in a third world country!

Elijah is very happy about this purchase! Every boy should have his own machete, right?

These sweet girls have taken to calling Elijah bubba.

And these are a whole lotta grapefruit that they picked and brought back to the orphanage.

This is the final product!  It only took 5 weeks, but we now have a pad!! I think the house is going to go in that slot and sort of be built into the side. It's supposed to help keep us cool. 


Elijah standing on the pad looking toward the orphanage.  

Just want to say thanks to all of you who have prayed for us, checked in on us, called etc. It has made all the difference to us without Michael for so long! 


  1. so excited for u..
    i spent the month of august at the orphanage and left my heart there.. i wanna go back soon and hopefully stay for a while
    So glad God has blessed u with these two beautiful girls

  2. Love this!!! Love the chicken story and so can relate lol Here in Africa we have a saying when things like that happen TIA meaning This Is Africa. Maybe you can start a TIH ;0) Love you guys and so excited for you! Blessings!

  3. Loved the update, and really missing Haiti. 90 degrees sounding good about right now. Fried chicken anyone
