Tuesday, January 4, 2011

This is gonna be hard....

It's only been 3 days! How will we make it without Michael for 6 weeks or more?!! The boys were fine going to school today, but yesterday (the first day back) Gage cried all morning, and actually laid down in the floor at school and cried.  He has NEVER done that before!  I felt so bad for him.  I can only attribute that to the fact that he misses his daddy.  Fortunately,  Michael called and Gage to talk to him before he went to class.  We miss Michael, but I know that God will sustain us.

Michael got the news today that the Director of Agriculture is talking to the port to get our materials out.  That's good to hear and makes us hopeful, but the materials aren't out of port yet!!  :-)  You just never know in Haiti, things work so differently there!

I have to stay on Michael to take pictures.  It's just not his first thought, but as long as he is there and I am here, I'm going to insist that he send pics!  I want to see the progress on the house and of course the girls.  He took some pretty cute ones today.

This pic is funny with Michael peeking over the top...

Jeff-Taline is growing up, she looks different just since I was there in October, her cubby cheeks are gone!!  I sent the dolls for the girls and Michael said he played with the girls and their dolls for about an hour, changing the clothes several times and doing the doll's hair!  He said they took their pig tails down and put braids all over the dolls heads to match theirs!  Good Daddy time!! ;-)

More updates soon.... in the meantime pray that Michael's time in Haiti will not be wasted so that we can join him there!!


  1. thanks for the update! we are praying for yall, the boys and the girls.

  2. that is absolute sweetness! what a good daddy! and you are a great momma for holdin down the fort with the boys!!
